"When I create I never follow the rules..."Annita Apostolidou PlatisMay 27, 2020“When I create I never follow the rules. I’m unpredictable, always a rebel ” Annita A. @annita.apostolidou.platiswww.annitaplatis.com #mylife#myart#thisisme#dreamer#lover#traveller#artist#designer#stylist#painter#poet
“When I create I never follow the rules. I’m unpredictable, always a rebel ” Annita A. @annita.apostolidou.platiswww.annitaplatis.com #mylife#myart#thisisme#dreamer#lover#traveller#artist#designer#stylist#painter#poet
Beyond Boundaries International Art Exhibition & Competition -Blue Space Gallery - Annita Apostolidou Platis